
AWRC are leading on EHP which is funded by London Councils under strand 2.6 - To improve service provision for those affected by sexual and domestic violence, specifically, Female Genital Mutilation, so called 'honour' based violence, forced marriage and other harmful practices in London through the provision of high-quality front-line services as well as support services to voluntary and statutory organisations.
The pan-London scope of Ending Harmful Practices addresses an identified gap in the provision of a co-ordinated, specialist service. The project will provide one to one support to BME women affected by harmful practices and also raise awareness to increase early identification of those at risk and improve institutional responses.
More specifically services include:
- One-to-one emotional support
- One-to-one advice and information on rights, entitlements and options
- Casework and advocacy support, which include accompanying women to report crimes of violence to the police and housing departments, as well as accompanying women to court and advocating their needs to social services
- Therapeutic services groups and a counselling provision to women
- Raising awareness of the impact of HBV, FM and FGM within communities and other voluntary and statutory agencies (not only BME communities) through delivering workshops, training and presentations and undertaking specific work with young women through the delivery of workshops to support peer mentoring and youth advocacy
- Creating referral pathways to refuge provision and FGM clinics, as part of casework
AWRC is also part of Ascent, which is a project of the London VAWG Consortium, made up of six partnerships funded by London Councils to deliver a range of services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The London VAWG Consortium is made up of 22 organisations working in partnership to ensure that comprehensive, cost-effective, high-quality services are available throughout London. The aim of the Consortium is to deliver innovative and seamless services across London for all communities of interests and individuals in need, by strengthening referral pathways across organisations, avoiding duplication and identifying trends and emergency need.
Who's involved?
AWRC, Ashiana Network, AVA, Chinese Information and Advice Centre, EACH, FORWARD, IMECE Women's Centre, IMKAAN, Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation, Jewish Women's Aid, Latin American Women's Rights Service, Nia Project, Rape and Sexual Abuse Resource Centre, Refuge, RESPECT, Rights of Women, Solace Women's Aid, Southall Black Sisters, TENDER, Women and Girls Network, Women's Aid and Women's Resource Centre.
Services provided:
- Prevention based on children and young people group programs aiming to identify the key elements of healthy and unhealthy relationships and challenge myths and tolerance towards violence.
- Advice, counselling, outreach, drop-in and support for access to services.
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Helplines.
- Emergency refuge accommodation. Support services to sexual and domestic violence voluntary sector organisations.
- Specifically targeted services FGM, so called 'honour' based violence, forced marriage and other harmful practices.
- For further information on the VAWG consortium visit: The London VAWG Consortium
Funded by London Councils, Ascent is a partnership project that is part of the London Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) Consortium, delivering a range of services to support women affected by domestic and/or sexual violence. Solace is lead partner, working with 14 organisations, on the Ascent Advice & Counselling partnership. This pan-London collaboration provides specialist counselling and advice services to women and girls affected by domestic/ sexual violence. Services include 1 to 1 counselling; 1-1 advice; group work, legal advice and training and No Recourse to Public Funds assistance
London Councils represents and champions London's 32 boroughs and the City of London, serving local communities, businesses and amplifying the voice of Londoners. We are a cross-party organisation that works on behalf of all of our member authorities regardless of political persuasion. We work with partners to deliver sustainable change, address inequalities and make London a fairer place for all. []
Who's involved?
ASHIANA Network, Chinese Information & Advice Centre (CIAC), EACH, Galop, IKWRO Women's Rights Organisation, IMECE, Jewish Women's Aid, LAWRS, NIA, Rape & Sexual Abuse Support, Respond, Rights of Women, Signhealth, Southall Black Sisters, SOLACE (Lead Agency), Stay Safe East Women & Girls Network (WGN)
Services provided:
- Intensive 1:1 support and advocacy including: risk reduction, safety planning, access to counselling and legal services
- Support for women with No Recourse to Public Funds
- Signposting and referral support to appropriate agencies