Knowledge Hub
We achieve more in collaboration than we could alone!
A result of collaboration between Asian Women's Resource Centre (AWRC) and Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse (STADA) under the Coaction Hub, the Knowledge Hub serves as a resource hub, highlighting issues impacting Black and Minoritised victim/survivors. It aims to raise awareness around harmful practices and share useful articles, write-ups, case studies, blogs, and engagement pathways.
Our objective is to inspire action, allyship, and equitable partnership between agencies, and improve the coordinated community response to Black and Minoritised women and girls experiencing VAWG. In the fight against Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), equitable partnership, collaboration, and allyship are not just valuable — they are essential. Grounded in the ethos of intersectional feminism and anti-racism, these principles recognise the interconnectedness of various forms of oppression and the importance of addressing them collectively.