AWRC New Logo

AWRC is delighted to present its new logo.

The AWRC was established over 40 years ago and is a pioneer of services for BME women experiencing domestic abuse. We have evolved over this period, but our core values remain the same. This logo reflects our journey, symbolizing inclusion, diversity, equality, empowerment, innovation and much more. Our strapline conveys what we are doing, day in, day out: changing women's lives. The women we serve inspire us to continue our work for the next 40 years, leaving a legacy for the local community and beyond.



We provide support services in the following languages: Arabic, Azerbaijani (Azeri), Bengali, Bangla, Dari, Dutch, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Hinko, Konkani, Kurdish, Marathi, Pashto, Patwari, Persian, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil, Turkish and Urdu. Our service ensures cultural sensitivity, confidentiality and listening in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
We have an open-door policy to all women in need, from all ethnicity and backgrounds.

The AWRC continues to celebrate over 40 years of service, over 40 years of providing life-saving support to women and children who have been affected by domestic abuse, forced marriages, honour based and faith-based abuse.

Due to Covid-19, the celebrations were put on hold, we continue to raise money to support our vital services.

Therefore, to mark this occasion, AWRC are raising £40,000 to support another 40,000 women from abuse in celebration of our 40th Anniversary.

AWRC40thAnniversaryFundraisingCampaign >

We thank you for your support!

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